Here is an overview of what we consider to be the key website statistics and information:
Parameter name | Status | Comment |
Website meta title | ▒보이스코리아▒1544-4657 | Search engines recommend title length of around 50-60 characters. The length of this title is 17. |
Meta description | 대한민국대표녹음기전문쇼핑몰 | To make sure all the meta description is visible in search results page, Google recommends length of up to 320 characters at the most. This description has exactly 14 characters. |
Keywords | 녹음,녹음기,홈레코딩,녹음기추천,휴대용녹음기,녹취기,디지털녹음기,녹음장치,음성녹음기,고성능녹음기,녹음기가격,녹음기파는곳,중고녹음기,대화녹음,녹치록,소리녹음기,녹취기추천,파파라치촬영,자기목소리녹음,집에서노래녹음,이어폰녹음,층간소음녹음,스피커녹음,음질좋은녹음,보이스피싱녹음,녹음기메모리,보이스레코더,레코딩,보이스레코더추천,레코더,VOICERECORDER,보이스레코드,보이스리코더,RECORDER,레코다,대화녹취,성능좋은녹음기,디지탈녹음기,목소리녹음,좋은녹음기,녹취용녹음기,녹취녹음기,MP3녹음기,녹음기가격비교,음질좋은녹음기,녹취시스템,교회설교,휴대용녹음기추천,녹취장비,고음질녹음기,무선녹음기,저렴한녹음기,USB녹음기,녹음기판매,녹화,소리녹음,보이스녹음기,녹취록,녹취,셀프축가,녹음실,녹취록비용,음성녹음,잡음제거,녹취록작성,녹취사무소,녹취공증,스튜디오녹음,CD녹음,녹취록공증,소형녹음기추천,녹취기록,어학녹음기,강의용녹음기,초소형디지털녹음기,초소형비밀녹음기,보이스레코딩,초소형녹음기추천,MP3어학기,곡녹음기,휴대폰통화녹음,볼펜녹음기,녹음볼펜,녹음만년필,볼펜형보이스레코더,볼펜형녹음기,만년필녹음기,USBPEN,보이스펜,녹음기볼펜,녹음기펜,펜녹음기,가정용감시카메라,볼펜녹음기추천,볼펜레코더,초소형녹음기,소형녹음기,핸드폰도청,핸드폰녹음,동시녹음,시계녹음기,미니녹음기,보이스펜추천,휴대폰녹음기,디지털보이스레코더,몰래카메라탐지,스파이,장시간녹음기,장시간녹음,펜형녹음기,초소형카메라,초소형캠코더,볼펜형카메라,어학학습기,녹음펜,디지털레코더,보컬녹음기,핸디레코더,음성녹취,녹음기MP3,멀티캠,저렴한캠코더,휴대용캠코더,PRO9,손목시계MP3,MVP999,위장카메라,특수카메라,소형캠,비밀녹음기,비밀녹음,몰래녹음기,몰래녹음,도청,도청기,도청장치,도청탐지,탐지기,초소형도청기,도청탐지기,감청,도청기가격,무선도청장치,소형도청기,음성파일,녹음파일,녹음장비,녹취증거,장동건녹음기가격,통화녹취,콜센터녹취,녹음증거,아이폰녹취,공갈협박,통화녹음전화기,아이폰음성녹음,몰래촬영,라디오녹음,통화녹음,녹음하는법,통화중녹음,오토콜,콜센터구축,콜센타,휴대폰녹음,녹취전화기,녹음전화기,전화녹음,통화내용녹음,핸드폰통화녹음,통화기록,전화녹음기,전화통화녹음,전화녹취기,핸드폰녹취,ARS시스템,오토콜시스템,인터넷전화녹취,녹음되는전화기,콜센터솔루션,녹취파일,핸드폰녹음기,인터넷전화녹음,통화중녹음듣기,핸드폰음성녹음,전화녹취,아이폰녹음기,아이폰녹음,휴대폰음성녹음,회의용녹음기,회의녹음기,강의녹음기추천,통화자동녹음,층간소음녹음기,수업녹음기,예약녹음,뮤지컬녹음,유선전화녹음,팬녹음기,통화내역녹음,전문가용녹음기,노래방녹음,다이렉트인코딩,연주녹음,음악녹음기,음악용녹음기,공연녹음기,콘서트녹음기,노래녹음,노래녹음기,피아노녹음,피아노오디션,바이올린오디션,합창곡,합창녹음,보컬녹음,축가녹음,오디션녹음,MR녹음,통기타녹음,강의녹음기,강의녹음,강의용녹음,어학용녹음기,대학강의녹음,인강녹음,스마트폰인강녹화,강의녹화,인강녹음프로그램,아이패드녹음,아이팟녹음,스마트폰녹음,동영상녹음,수업녹음,성우녹음,녹음편집,음향편집,인터넷강의녹음,녹음잡음,녹음잡음제거,녹음테스트,녹음기마이크,핀마이크,음향기기,소형마이크,이어마이크,녹음용마이크,USB마이크,녹음마이크,캠코더마이크,마이크녹음기,고감도마이크,PC녹음,PC소리녹음,PC녹음기,컴퓨터소리녹음,컴퓨터에서나오는소리녹음,녹음기프로그램,노래녹음기프로그램,컴퓨터녹음,컴퓨터소리녹음하기,음질좋은녹음프로그램,음악녹음프로그램,컴퓨터노래녹음,컴퓨터사운드,노래녹음하는법,마이크녹음프로그램,컴퓨터음악녹음,오디오녹음,컴퓨터녹음기추천,동영상녹음기,인터넷방송녹음,PC마이크,랩녹음마이크,보컬마이크,마이크스텐드,회의용마이크,PC용마이크,강의마이크,증폭마이크,MQ71,MQ-71,MQ72,MQ-72,MQ76,MQ-76,MQ77,MQ-77,MQ77N,MR320,MR340,MR720,MR-720,MQ61,MQ-61,MQ-61녹음기,MQ62,MQ-62,MQ66,MR740,MR-740,MR820,MR-820,MR840,MR-840,PCM007,PCM-007,PCM007녹음기,VRCA02,VR-CA02,이소닉,프로나인,이소닉녹음기,메모Q,이소닉MP3녹음기,이소닉디지털녹음기,이소닉보이스레코더,이소닉보이스펜,이소닉볼펜녹음기,이소닉펜녹음기,이소닉학습용녹음기,이소닉휴대용녹음기,MEMOQ,메모큐,사파미디어,아이담,아이담테크,아이담녹음기,A11,A66,A70,K9,K9PRO,K9-PRO,PCM600,PCM-600,PROU11,PROU-11,R400M,R4-PCM,SR-200,포러스,FORUS보이스레코더,FSC1000,FSC-1000,포러스녹음기,포러스보이스레코더,포러스전화녹음기,소니디지털녹음기추천,소니회의용녹음기,소니휴대용녹음기,소닉보이스레코더,소니,캠코더,소니캠코더,소니녹음기,소니녹음기추천,소니어학기,IC녹음기,PCMD50,PCMD-50,SONY녹음기,소니MP3녹음기,소니SX,소니강의용녹음기,소니고음질녹음기,소니녹음기판매,소니디지털녹음기,소니보이스레코더,소니보이스레코더판매,소니볼펜녹음기,소니볼펜녹음기추천,소니볼펜형녹음기,소니소형녹음기,소니스테레오녹음기,소니신형녹음기,소니어학용녹음기,소니연주용녹음기,소니예약녹음기,소니장시간녹음기,소니전문가용녹음기,소니전화녹음기,소니초소형녹음기,소니학습용녹음기,소니회의녹음기,나래,나래플러스,나래인터,N700,N-700,NVT-50,RX-007,RX-007-2,STUDYQ,STUDY-Q,VT50,VT-50,나래007펜,나래녹음기,나래보이스레코더,나래볼펜녹음기,나래볼펜형녹음기,나래팬녹음기,리모캠3000,ROLAND,롤랜드녹음기,음원녹음,CD2,CD2-E,CD2I,CD2-I,MICROBR,R05,R-05,R09,R-09,R09HR,R-09HR,R09녹음기,R26,R-26,ROLANDR09,ROLANDR09HR,ROLANDRECORDER,ROLAND녹음기,ROLENDVOICDRECORDER,라이브연주녹음,롤랜드R09,생음악녹음,성악전문녹음기,악기전문녹음기,에디롤R09HR,에디롤녹음기,연주전문녹음기,줌,ZOOM,H4N,Q2HD,ZOOMH4N,ZOOMH2N,H1,H2NEXT,H4NEXT,Q3HD,ZOOMH2,ZOOMH4NEXT,POCKETMEMO,POCKETMEMO9370,포켓메모9370,M-AUDIO,MICROTRACK,MICROTRACK2,스타넥스,SG51,SG-51,캠볼SG-51,캠볼,DUPHONE,TECHEYE,TECHEYEPHONEID,VOICEEYE,VOICEEYEP30,다채널녹음시스템,듀폰,보이스아이P30,테크아이ID,테크아이,보이스아이,테크아이시스템즈,보스,DR07,DR-07,DR1,DR-1,DR2D,DR-2D,VR10,VR-10,VR20,VR-20,티악,TASCAM,TEAC,타스캠,타스컴,USB,USB메모리,판촉물,답례품,기념품,사은품,판촉물쇼핑몰,홍보물,행사기념품,기념품제작,고급기념품,사은품쇼핑몰,판촉물제작,USB판촉물,홍보물제작,단체기념품,삼성USB메모리,단체선물,홍보물품,사은품도매,사은품제작,기념품USB,홍보용품,회사체육대회,판촉물추천,USB제작,개업기념품,USB기념품,USB메모리스틱,USB메모리제작,USB주문제작,특이한USB,USB레이저포인터,USB메모리파는곳,볼펜USB,USB볼펜,USB2GB,USB8,USB제품,USB구매,USB쇼핑몰,USB판매,USB선물,펜USB,USB메모리2GB,USB싸게파는곳,브랜드볼펜,볼펜형USB,단체USB,USB제작업체,초소형USB,저렴한USB,USB2G,레이저펜,초소형USB메모리,USB펜,좋은USB,레이져포인터,레이저포인터추천,레이져포인트,라이트볼펜,레이저볼펜,레이져펜,USB16,레이저포인터,레이저포인트,레이저포인터파는곳,레이져포인터추천,김도진녹음기,신사의품격녹음기,신품녹음기,장동건녹음기,장동건만년필,장동건볼펜,장동건볼펜녹음기,장동건보이스펜,장동건보이스레코더,김도진보이스레코더,김도진보이스펜 | We did not expect meta keywords to be used. It's a worrying sign more than anything, really, as websites with meta keywords often tend to be spammy. |
Load time | 2.1084 seconds on average | Load speed is a concern and should be improved if and when possible. |
Alexa global | 983 029, as last updated | According to Alexa, the website's popularity is not exactly high. Take this rank with a healthy pinch of salt. |
Total links on homepage | We found 86 links | This is a normal amount of links. |
Page HTML size | 51.1KB | How do we put this... improvement is quite necessary. Load speed is a very important factor in so many ways! |
Website server | Server appears to be online. The IP address for the server is | It's unfortunate, but despite our best attempts, we failed to gather enough data to provide a meaningful insight at this time. |
What, all that information was not enough? You want... more? Right, then. You asked for it.
With over 4 million websites indexed (which can seem as a lot, or very little, depending on your point of view), Alexa is perhaps the oldest and certainly the best known ranking system, deservedly or not. The Alexa Global and Local ranks of a website are based on an approximate amount of visitors a given website receives. The more visitors, the higher the rank. The Alexa rank, be it Local or Global, should be taken with a pinch of salt. After all, visitor count is by far not the simple measure of a website's success it's made out to be. For example, a gardening website is never going to be as popular as a movie review website. It does not mean it's not popular within it's niche.
Similarly to how a hard drive or a modern SSD device holds your files, a server holds all the files the website needs to operate. To load a webpage, your browser needs to contact the said server and request files - strings of code that make up the website into what it is, including images, text and database entries. Each physical server has a unique IP address that is used by the browser to contact it.
Let's see what technical information we've managed to gather:
Header in detail |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2017 14:08:42 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: keep-alive Vary: Accept-Encoding Vary: EC_SDE_FLAG P3P: CP="NOI ADM DEV PSAi COM NAV OUR OTR STP IND DEM" Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=22484d390f252b2a0034b25074172d89; path=/;; HttpOnly Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate Pragma: no-cache Set-Cookie: basketcount_1=0; expires=Fri, 11-Aug-2017 15:08:42 GMT; Max-Age=3600; path=/; Set-Cookie: basketcount_1=0; expires=Fri, 11-Aug-2017 15:08:42 GMT; Max-Age=3600; path=/; Last-Modified: Fri, 11 Aug 2017 14:08:42 GMT Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0 |
WHOIS information |
Domain Name: WJKK.NET Registry Domain ID: 119840888_DOMAIN_NET-VRSN Registrar WHOIS Server: Registrar URL: Updated Date: 2017-08-02T15:14:25Z Creation Date: 2004-05-11T20:18:37Z Registry Expiry Date: 2018-05-11T20:18:37Z Registrar: Ascio Technologies, Inc. Danmark - Filial af Ascio technologies, Inc. USA Registrar IANA ID: 106 Registrar Abuse Contact Email: Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +442070159370 Domain Status: ok Name Server: DNS1.CAFE24.CO.KR Name Server: DNS1.CAFE24.COM Name Server: DNS2.CAFE24.CO.KR Name Server: DNS2.CAFE24.COM DNSSEC: unsigned URL of the ICANN Whois Inaccuracy Complaint Form: >>> Last update of whois database: 2017-08-05T15:46:06Z <<< For more information on Whois status codes, please visit NOTICE: The expiration date displayed in this record is the date the registrar's sponsorship of the domain name registration in the registry is currently set to expire. This date does not necessarily reflect the expiration date of the domain name registrant's agreement with the sponsoring registrar. Users may consult the sponsoring registrar's Whois database to view the registrar's reported date of expiration for this registration. TERMS OF USE: You are not authorized to access or query our Whois database through the use of electronic processes that are high-volume and automated except as reasonably necessary to register domain names or modify existing registrations; the Data in VeriSign Global Registry Services' ("VeriSign") Whois database is provided by VeriSign for information purposes only, and to assist persons in obtaining information about or related to a domain name registration record. VeriSign does not guarantee its accuracy. By submitting a Whois query, you agree to abide by the following terms of use: You agree that you may use this Data only for lawful purposes and that under no circumstances will you use this Data to: (1) allow, enable, or otherwise support the transmission of mass unsolicited, commercial advertising or solicitations via e-mail, telephone, or facsimile; or (2) enable high volume, automated, electronic processes that apply to VeriSign (or its computer systems). The compilation, repackaging, dissemination or other use of this Data is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of VeriSign. You agree not to use electronic processes that are automated and high-volume to access or query the Whois database except as reasonably necessary to register domain names or modify existing registrations. VeriSign reserves the right to restrict your access to the Whois database in its sole discretion to ensure operational stability. VeriSign may restrict or terminate your access to the Whois database for failure to abide by these terms of use. VeriSign reserves the right to modify these terms at any time. The Registry database contains ONLY .COM, .NET, .EDU domains and Registrars. |
A good domain address is usually one that is easy to spell, resulting in the smallest amount of mistypes possible. Still, such a thing inevitably happens. Here is a list with the most frequent 1716 mistypes, associated with
If you are curious about what TLD extensions could also match the domain name of well, we have prepared an extensive list for you to look through:
We are glad you have finished this report. Hopefully, you found what you were looking for. In case you need more information to compare, here is a list of some other detailed overviews we have prepared: