Here is an overview of what we consider to be the key website statistics and information:
Parameter name | Status | Comment |
Website meta title | | Sapere è un Dovere | Search engines recommend title length of around 50-60 characters. The length of this title is 27. |
Meta description | A description has not been provided for this site. | To make sure all the meta description is visible in search results page, Google recommends length of up to 320 characters at the most. This description has exactly 50 characters. |
Keywords | informazioni, eccesso di informazioni, notizie, gossip, dittatura mediatica, controllo mentale, pokemon, pokemon go, nintendo, controllo mentale, grande fratello, google, localizazione, satelliti,tumore mammella, screening tumore mammella, mammografia, ecografia mammella, cancro al seno, vaccini, diritto, legge, leggi, costituzione, medici, autismo, danni da vaccino, medicina ditattura, dittatura medica, eugenetica, utero in affitto, affittare utero, surrogazione, madre surrogata, organi, utero artificiale, ectogenesi, bambino vegano, bambina vegana, malnutrito, malnutrita, genova, gaslini, informazione, disinformazione, giornalismo, b12, carenze, tumori, policlinico di messina, cancro, falso positivo, inventavano tumori, operzione al seno, mammella, brexit, uk, inghilterra, referendum, europa, fuori dall'europa, euro, medicine letali e crimine organizzato, peter gotzsche, cochrane collaboration, nordic center, marcatori, marcatori tumorali, marker tumorali, markers tumorali, censura, congresso torino, di bella, cospiazione, salute, vaccini, vaccinazioni, neolingua, grande fratello, nwo, nom, moneta elettronica, microchip, chip, rfid, fabbrica dei malati, salone del libro torino, malattie, invenzione, creazione di malati, ttip, TTIP, trattato transatlantico, lobbies, pressioni, multinazionali, nwo, nom, ogm, carne clonata, ormoni, farmaci, vaccini, autismo, tinus smits, cease therapy, farmaci, gravidanza, disabilità, spettro autistico, DSA, cause tumori, di bella, giuseppe di bella, metodo di bella, luigi di bella, cancro, radiazioni, chemioterapici, max bircher benner, muesli, svizzera, medicina, cibo crudo, alimenti solari, cancro, crescita tumorale, tumore, alimentazione, vegetali, vegetale, dieta, regime sano, vegetariani, ozono, terapia, pelle, piede diabetico, gas, cancro, candida, pleomorfi, pleomorfismo, batteri, infezione, candidosi, patogeni, malattie, transumanesimo, body hacking movement, chip, microchip, rfid, impianti, patologie autoimmuni, patologie autoimmunitarie, sistema immunitario, candida, candidosi, infezioni, microbi, batteri, parassiti, parassitosi, vermi, mdb, MdB, Metodo Di Bella, chemio, cancro, tumore, linfoma, sentenza, tribunale, asl, usll, psicofarmaci, antidepressivi, psichiatria, farmacovigilanza, serotonina, suicidio, idee suicidarie, minori, bambini, pfas, pfoa, chimica, idro e oleorepellenti, du pont, miteni, inquinamento acqua, faglie, cancro, tumore, linfoma, acqua potabile, george orwell, 1984, neolinga, socing, sesso, bambini, gay, matrimonio, adozioni, mamma, papà, figli, utero in affitto, gameti, utero in prestito, eutanasia, pillola, anticoncezionale, yasminelle, yasmin, yaz, bayer, ormoni, gravidanza, aborto, embolia, ictus, infarto, media, media mainstream, controllo mentale, informazione, informazioni, controllo, notizie, regime, dittatura, dittatura mediatica, media, giornali, radio, tv, ecografia, ecografia prenatale, aborti, aborto, screening, gravidanza, esami, medicalizzazione, maternità, malattie neonatali, feti, feto, vitamina 12, vitamina b12, cianocolabamina, carenze, vitamine, animali, carne, pesce, uova, utero in affitto, madre surrogata, bambini, utero in prestito, lobbies, vita, multinazionali, ormoni, ovuli, spermatozoi, vitro, gravidanza, latte, formaggi, calcio, ossa, fratture, osteoporosi, bjm, british medical journal, mattarella, lettera aperta, isde, inquinamento, cancro, pediatria, bambini, tumori, pm10, pm2,5, PFAS, pfas, pfoa,pofas, inquinanti, persistenti, distruttori endocrini, ambiente, vicenza, du pont, trissini, cancro, leucemie, linfomi, grande guerra, prima guerra mondiale, tregua, confine, joyeux noel, nascita, parto, gravidanza, travaglio, bambini, episiotomia, paxil, paroxetina, antidepressivo, psicofarmaco, psicofarmaci, droghe legali, psichiatria, psichiatri, bjm, british medical journal, suicidio, bambini, paura, attentati francia, attenti parigi, hollande, false flag, attentato a parigi, strage, terrorismo, isis, israele, mercenari, usa, terrorismo usa, acqua sacre acqua di lourdes, masaru emoto, emilio del giudice, jacques benveniste, memoria dell'acqua, vibrazione, cluster, dominio di coerenza, carne cancerogena, cancro, iarc, lione, oms, alimentazione, carne rossa, carne processata, carne bianca, luce, alchimia, clorofilla, sangue, fotosintesi clorofilliana, piante a foglia verde, emoglobina, morti, vaccini, pertosse, difterite, vaccinazioni, vaccinazioni pediatriche, propaganda, autismo, fegato, forze umane, energia, metamedicina, medicina antroposofica, celiachia, morbo celiaco, glifosate, diserbante, glifosato, monsanto, gender, ideologia gender, teoria gender, omosessuali, gay, lesbiche, soros, onu, unicef, oms, educazione sessuale, scuole, asili, a che genere giochiamo, banche, banca, crisi, crisi economica, crollo, crollo bancario, deutsche bank, germania, sesso tra uomini, transgender, gender, ideologia gender, sesso, pedofilia, apa, psichiatria, bambini, minori, educazione sessuale, scuole, autismo, patologie, neurosviluppo, danno, vaccino, aflatossine, glifosato, pesticidi, biocida, flora intestinale, peso, perdita peso, dimagrire, dimagrimento, vegan, alimentazione sana, vegetale, vegetariana, vegano, frutta, verdura, digiuno, disintossicazione, depurazione, olio che guarisce, the oil that heals, olio di ricino, ricino, impacchi, edgar cayce, rimedi popolari, rimedi tradizionali, telethon, truffa, donazioni, sperimentazione animale, fondi, miliardi di euro, ricerca scientifica, celiachia, morbo celiaco, roundup, monsanto, glifosato, glifosate, erbicida, pesticida, asilo, merano, bambino vegano, vegan, dieta, ADA, regime etico, animali, salute, genitori, alzheimer, demenza, degenerazione cognintiva, neuroni, danno cerebrale, salvia, rosmarino, euro, grecia, spaccare euro, bce, fmi, banche, wall street, eurozona, dollaro, nwo, nutrizione sportiva, sport alimentazione, nutrizione, attività fisica, ginnastica, utero artificiale, transumanesimo, utero sintetico, vita fuori dall'utero, utero, utero in affitto, lgbt, bambini, nascita, grecia, fmi, banca mondiale, referendum, europa, euro, fuori euro, banche bce, trioka, nwo, bimbo vegan, bimbo vegano, obesità, alimentazione, denutrizione, cancro, ideologia gender, distruzione famiglia, partito democratico, gay, lesbiche, diritti civili, matrimoni, bambini, affido, adottare, famiglia, gender, ideologia gender, specie, sessi, sistema immunitario, cervello, controllo, collegamento, psiconeuroimmunologia, psiconeuroendocrinoimmunologia, pnei, settenni, sette, sette anni, steiner, rudolf steiner, periodi, infanzia, luce, occhi, occhiali, bates, metodo bates, metodo bates originale, senza occhiali, lenti, solecolesterolo, hdl, ldl, lipoproteine, grassi, grassi saturi, febbre, bambini, neonati, vaccini, farmaci, paracetamolo, tachipirina, febbrifughi, chemioterapia, rischi, danni, effetti collaterali, chemio, cancro, leucemia, mammografia, statistica, cochraine center, seno, mammella, cancro, tumore, radiazioni, raggi, piano kalergi, calergi, massoneria, immigrazione, immigrati, emigrazione di massa, forni a microonde, alimentazione, cottura, cuocere, forni, microonde, elettrosmog, elettromagnetismo, donne, gravidanza, sperma, incinte senza sperma, seme maschile, midollo osseo, gandhi, digiuno, alimentazione, leone tolstoi, tolstoj, xylella, economia, economia del sud, olivi, piante, malattia, scie chimiche, infestazioni, attacco, sclerosi multipla, sm, mielina, metalli pesanti, amalgame dentarie, tossiemia, acidosi, angelina jolie, cancro, seno, ovaie, tumore, oncologia, geni, genetica, dna, brca1, brca2, predisposizione, omofobi, omofobia, gay, lesbiche, trans, bambini, educazione, pedagogia, gender, nwo, adottare, due papà, due mamme, pitagora, empedocle, porfirio, platone, vegan, vegetariani, alimentazione, animali, carne, propaganda omo, gioco dei bambini travestivi, travestimento, gay, lesbiche, dislessia, manicomio, omosessuale, gender, disturbi di apprendimento, psichiatria, psicofarmaci, agenti virali, controllo mentale, aerosol, spray, scie chimiche, chemtrails, aids, hiv, stefan lanka, kary mullis, peter duesberg, infezione, cd4, conta dei cd, virus, virus non esiste, ovulo, ovulazione, brevetto, corte di giustizia, vita, fecondazione, multinazionali,charlie hebdo, rothschild, famiglia rothschild, sgarro, scontri interni, attentato francia, vignette, musulmani, islam, strage, charlie hebdo, attentato, commando, terroristi, sistema immunitario, zuccheri, cereali raffinati, stress, ideologia gender, gender scuole, scuole, bambini, educazione, barilla, guido barilla, omo, omosessuale, gay, transgender, identità, gender, idiologia di genere, giuristi per la vita, gender, ideologia di gender, bambini, pedofilia, omosessualità, sesso, pedo, sessi, distriminazioni, omofobia, pari opportunità, genere, vaccini, morti, novartis, influenza, vaccinazioni di massa, vaccinazioni pediatriche, comparaggio, pediatri, medici, corruzione, telefonini, regali, smartphone, viaggi, farmaci, latte, latte in polvere, bambini, mamme, suicidi, mass media, effetto werther, media, televisione, propaganda, condizionamento mentale, controllo mentale, cavie, pazienti, comparaggio, farmaci prescritti a sani, medici indagati, farmaci, medicinali, global warming, riscaldamento globale, glaciazione, temeprature, ghiaccio, ghiacciai, scioglimento ghiacci, aumento dei ghiacchiai, co2, anidride carbonica, metano, gas serra, aumento temperature, emissioni, kyoto, protocollo di kyoto, bufala riscaldamento, musica, cantanti, sesso, pornografia, transumanesimo, rivoluzione sessuale, rivoluzione della musica, pop, musica pop, controllo mentale, mode, isis, guerra, terrorismo, terrore, cia, mossad, alqaeda, guerra al terrorismo, guerra al terrore, sgozzamenti, video, complotto, pediatria, pediatra, holding, business, vaccini, vaccinazioni, vaccinazioni pediatriche, autismo, danni da vaccino, bambini, hacher, hackers, russi, russi, windows, software, programmi, falle, backdoor,ungheria, massoni, massoneria, debito, fmi, moneta, sovranità monetaria, colesterolo, colesterolo buono, colesterolo cattivo, ldl, hdl, sangue, grassi, grassi saturi, infarti, ictus, ischemie, acidità, infiammazioni, cocco, olio di cocco, usi olio di cocco, olio, grassi saturi, nom, nwo, nuovo ordine mondiale, nuovo ordine del'europa, ida magli, contro l'europa, sesso, trans, gender, mossad, califfo, isi, isis, campo bucca, ibrahim al badri arradoui hoseini, ibn awad, abu bkr al baghadli, terrore, terrorismo, virus, ebola, viru ebola, febbre emorragica, massima sicurezza, cdc atlanta, sicurezza nazionale, vaccino, vaccini, autismo, danni da vaccino, farmaci, bambini, neonati, mercato organi, bambini, bambini spariti, organi, trapianti, espianti, espianti di organi, esseni, comunità, gesù cristo, igienismo, igiene naturale, vangelo esseno della pace, pitagora, pitagorici, vegani, vegan, vegetariani, false flag, guerre, incidenti, attentati, false bandiere, medicine, medici, medicine che uccidono, ormoni, sostituzione ormonale, aspartame, maurizio blondet, israele, striscia di gaza, palestina, ebrei, sionisti, sion, esercito tsahal, strage, nazismo sionista, mangiando, alimentazione, pedofilia, gaypride, gay pride, pedo, bambini, sesso, sessualità, omofobia, anima al diavolo, verapen, psicofarmaci, fluoxetina, prozac, suicidi, effetti collaterali, eli lilly, case farmaceutiche, sperimentazione, ttip, TTIP, accordo transatlantico, commercio, wot, libero scambio, alimentazione, diete, bambini, bambini cavie, esperimenti su bambini, test, farmaci, droghe, diabete, diabete mellito, diabete insulino dipendente, dianete tipo1, diabete tipo-1, latte, latte vaccino, caseina, glutine, zombie, morti viventi, società, controllo mentale, vaccini, vaccinazioni, mercurio, glutammato, msg, sole, bates, metodo bates, metodo bates originale, sistema bates originale, vista, occhiali, miopia, presbiopia, astigmatismo, cecità, aborto, eutanasia, controllo demografico, controllo nascite, autismo, bambini, autistico, sindrome autistica, vaccini, vaccinazioni, mercurio, alluminio, encefalite, infiammazione meningi, meningite, mpr, morbillo, parotite, rosolia, trivalente, guarigione autismovaccini, vaccini pediatrici, asl, big pharma, tumore, cancro, dieta, crudismo, vegetali, alcalinità, alcalinizzazione, acidità, acidificazione, acidosi, warburg, fermentazioni, zuccheri,bates, metodo bates, metodo originale bates, william horatio bates, sistema originale, vista perfetta senza occhiali, miopia, astigmatismo, presbiopia, problemi di vista | We did not expect meta keywords to be used. It's a worrying sign more than anything, really, as websites with meta keywords often tend to be spammy. |
Load time | 0.2754 seconds on average | Website load speed is pretty fast. |
Alexa global | 320 114, as last updated | According to Alexa, the website's popularity is not exactly high. Take this rank with a healthy pinch of salt. |
Total links on homepage | We found 128 links | This is a normal amount of links. |
Number of backlinks | Around 1 441 | If even half of these are high quality, it speaks volumes of the website's worth. |
Page HTML size | 152.1KB | Load speed (and overall responsiveness) is such an important factor for both search engines and user experience, would you not agree? With that in mind, this is a very good result. |
Website server | Server appears to be online. The IP address for the server is | It's unfortunate, but despite our best attempts, we failed to gather enough data to provide a meaningful insight at this time. |
Domain overview | Registered on 2015-08-20 14:00:22 | It's unfortunate, but despite our best attempts, we failed to gather enough data to provide a meaningful insight at this time. At this time, domain is registered at PDR Ltd. d/b/a |
What, all that information was not enough? You want... more? Right, then. You asked for it.
As we've mentioned before, traffic is not a key metric. However, the target audience does say a lot about what's been done to optimize the website, as well as what should be done going forwards. Let's see if we have any useful information here.
Parameter name | Status | Comment |
Relevant categories | People and Society News and Media Adult Law and Government > Military and Defense |
The most obvious area of interest for the target audience are these categories. Most, if not all of them can be attributed to the website in question. |
Related websites | |
These are the websites that fall into the same category as, and so target the same audience and, likely, keywords. To a larger or smaller extent, all of them are competitors. |
Also of interest | |
There is a good chance that the people interested in find something of use on these websites, too. |
Absolute accuracy is accessible only by the webmasters. If you keep that in mind, perhaps you will find out approximate numbers of some use.
Where appropriate, we'll add an insight, but the numbers themselves speak clearly enough, eh?
Parameter name | Status | Comment |
Monthly traffic | 132.07K | In the grand scheme of things, the website is not exactly a giant in terms of traffic. But the target audience should be taken into account, too. |
Visitor delta | -19.78% | Lately, the website's been receiving less traffic. |
Time spent on site | 2:44 | This is a decent average time spent on a website. | Traffic Bounce Rate | 69.25% | A decent amount of visitors seem to find valuable information on this website. |
With over 4 million websites indexed (which can seem as a lot, or very little, depending on your point of view), Alexa is perhaps the oldest and certainly the best known ranking system, deservedly or not. The Alexa Global and Local ranks of a website are based on an approximate amount of visitors a given website receives. The more visitors, the higher the rank. The Alexa rank, be it Local or Global, should be taken with a pinch of salt. After all, visitor count is by far not the simple measure of a website's success it's made out to be. For example, a gardening website is never going to be as popular as a movie review website. It does not mean it's not popular within it's niche.
Similarly to how a hard drive or a modern SSD device holds your files, a server holds all the files the website needs to operate. To load a webpage, your browser needs to contact the said server and request files - strings of code that make up the website into what it is, including images, text and database entries. Each physical server has a unique IP address that is used by the browser to contact it.
Let's see what technical information we've managed to gather:
Header in detail |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 Pragma: no-cache Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=ts6guag081nulbg2d6270uflm5; path=/ Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 X-Port: port_10887 X-Cacheable: YES:Forced Transfer-Encoding: chunked Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2016 15:32:46 GMT Age: 0 Vary: Accept-Encoding, User-Agent X-Cache: uncached X-Cache-Hit: MISS X-Backend: all_requests |
WHOIS information |
Whois Server Version 2.0 Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered with many different competing registrars. Go to for detailed information. Domain Name: SAPEREEUNDOVERE.COM Registrar: PDR LTD. D/B/A PUBLICDOMAINREGISTRY.COM Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 303 Whois Server: Referral URL: Name Server: MRDDNS001.MISTERDOMAIN.EU Name Server: MRDDNS002.MISTERDOMAIN.EU Status: clientTransferProhibited Updated Date: 20-aug-2015 Creation Date: 20-aug-2015 Expiration Date: 20-aug-2016 >>> Last update of whois database: Mon, 18 Apr 2016 15:32:30 GMT <<< For more information on Whois status codes, please visit NOTICE: The expiration date displayed in this record is the date the registrar's sponsorship of the domain name registration in the registry is currently set to expire. This date does not necessarily reflect the expiration date of the domain name registrant's agreement with the sponsoring registrar. Users may consult the sponsoring registrar's Whois database to view the registrar's reported date of expiration for this registration. TERMS OF USE: You are not authorized to access or query our Whois database through the use of electronic processes that are high-volume and automated except as reasonably necessary to register domain names or modify existing registrations; the Data in VeriSign Global Registry Services' ("VeriSign") Whois database is provided by VeriSign for information purposes only, and to assist persons in obtaining information about or related to a domain name registration record. VeriSign does not guarantee its accuracy. By submitting a Whois query, you agree to abide by the following terms of use: You agree that you may use this Data only for lawful purposes and that under no circumstances will you use this Data to: (1) allow, enable, or otherwise support the transmission of mass unsolicited, commercial advertising or solicitations via e-mail, telephone, or facsimile; or (2) enable high volume, automated, electronic processes that apply to VeriSign (or its computer systems). The compilation, repackaging, dissemination or other use of this Data is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of VeriSign. You agree not to use electronic processes that are automated and high-volume to access or query the Whois database except as reasonably necessary to register domain names or modify existing registrations. VeriSign reserves the right to restrict your access to the Whois database in its sole discretion to ensure operational stability. VeriSign may restrict or terminate your access to the Whois database for failure to abide by these terms of use. VeriSign reserves the right to modify these terms at any time. The Registry database contains ONLY .COM, .NET, .EDU domains and Registrars. |
A good domain address is usually one that is easy to spell, resulting in the smallest amount of mistypes possible. Still, such a thing inevitably happens. Here is a list with the most frequent 1946 mistypes, associated with
If you are curious about what TLD extensions could also match the domain name of well, we have prepared an extensive list for you to look through:
We are glad you have finished this report. Hopefully, you found what you were looking for. In case you need more information to compare, here is a list of some other detailed overviews we have prepared: