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data-endeasing="Power4.easeIn"> <h3 class="bg-color">Flood Barriers Using Glass Panels</h3> </div> <div class="tp-caption sfl sfb tp-resizeme text-center" data-x="center" data-hoffset="0" data-y="center" data-voffset="50" data-speed="1500" data-start="2000" data-easing="easeOutExpo" data-splitin="none" data-splitout="none" data-elementdelay="0.01" data-endelementdelay="0.3" data-endspeed="1200" data-endeasing="Power4.easeIn"> <div class="text">Glass Flood barriers using glass and lightweight aluminum <br> materials serve as both a hurricane resistance store-front glass <br> and glazing, and full time, flood Protection. </div> </div> <div class="tp-caption sfr sfb tp-resizeme" data-x="center" data-hoffset="0" data-y="center" data-voffset="130" data-speed="1500" data-start="2000" data-easing="easeOutExpo" data-splitin="none" data-splitout="none" data-elementdelay="0.01" data-endelementdelay="0.3" data-endspeed="1200" data-endeasing="Power4.easeIn"> <a href="#products" class="theme-btn 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data-elementdelay="0.01" data-endelementdelay="0.3" data-endspeed="1200" data-endeasing="Power4.easeIn"> <h2>a <span class="theme_color">Flood</span> Barrier</h2> </div> <div class="tp-caption sfl sfb tp-resizeme text-center" data-x="center" data-hoffset="0" data-y="center" data-voffset="50" data-speed="1500" data-start="2000" data-easing="easeOutExpo" data-splitin="none" data-splitout="none" data-elementdelay="0.01" data-endelementdelay="0.3" data-endspeed="1200" data-endeasing="Power4.easeIn"> <div class="text">Glass flood barriers are 'the' solution. <br>By installing windows that are actually Glass flood barrier protection, <br> you avoid last minute panel installs that are costly. </div> </div> <div class="tp-caption sfr sfb tp-resizeme" data-x="center" data-hoffset="0" data-y="center" data-voffset="120" data-speed="1500" data-start="2000" data-easing="easeOutExpo" data-splitin="none" data-splitout="none" data-elementdelay="0.01" data-endelementdelay="0.3" data-endspeed="1200" data-endeasing="Power4.easeIn"> <a href="surfstyle.html" class="theme-btn btn-style-five mr-10">Learn More</a> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <comment>Events Section</comment> <section class="welcome-section pt-50 pb-60" data-bac="#fcfcfc"> <div class="auto-container"> <div class="row clearfix"> <comment>Cause Column</comment> <div class="column default-featured-column links-column col-lg-4 col-md-12"> <article class="inner-box mb-md-60"> <h4 id="products" class="inner-title double-line line-left">Products</h4> <div class="vertical-links-outer events-post"> <div class="text-uppercase p-20 mb-5" data-bac="#393d42"> <h2 class="white_color fw-b fs-24 mr-xs-80 mr-xxs-0">Our <span class="theme_color">Hottest</span> Products</h2> </div> <div class="bx-event-carousel-style2"> <div class="link-block"> <div class="default inner"> <figure class="image-thumb"> <img src="images/event/1.jpg" alt=""> </figure> <h4 class="title">Metal Barriers</h4> <ul class="event-held"> <li> <i class="fa fa-check-square-o"></i> Flood Doors </li> <li> <i class="fa fa-check-square-o"></i> Flood Barriers </li> </ul> <ul class="event-date"> <li class="event-day">HOT</li> <li class="event-month">2017</li> </ul> </div> <div class="alternate"> <p class="desc">FLOOD BARRIERS, Flood Doors, and Glass Flood Barriers from Savannah Trims, Inc.</p> <a class="theme-btn btn-style-five btn-xs mr-10" href="" target=" data-pg-id=" 4606"">Read More</a> </div> </div> <div class="link-block"> <div class="default inner"> <figure class="image-thumb"> <img src="images/event/3.jpg" alt=""> </figure> <h4 class="title">Flood Doors</h4> <ul class="event-held"> <li> <i class="fa fa-check-square-o"></i> Commercial Buildings </li> <li> <i class="fa fa-check-square-o"></i> Storefront </li> </ul> <ul class="event-date"> <li class="event-day">HOT</li> <li class="event-month">2017</li> </ul> </div> <div class="alternate"> <p class="desc">Flood Doors for commercial building applications have been long sought after. </p> <a class="theme-btn btn-style-five btn-xs mr-10" href="flooddoors.html">Read More</a> </div> </div> <div class="link-block"> <div class="default inner"> <figure class="image-thumb"> <img src="images/event/2.jpg" alt=""> </figure> <h4 class="title">Flood Glass Railing</h4> <ul class="event-held"> <li> <i class="fa fa-check-square-o"></i> Commercial </li> <li> <i class="fa fa-check-square-o"></i> Residential </li> </ul> <ul class="event-date"> <li class="event-day">HOT</li> <li class="event-month">2017</li> </ul> </div> <div class="alternate"> <p class="desc">Glass and metal structures that combine function with aesthetic values.</p> <a class="theme-btn btn-style-five btn-xs mr-10" href="" target="blank">Read More</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> <comment>Featured Column</comment> <div class="column default-featured-column style-three col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <h4 class="inner-title double-line line-left">Flood Glass Advantages</h4> <article class="inner-box mb-xs-60"> <figure class="image-box"> <a href="glass-details.html"> <img src="images/resource/causes-u1.jpg" alt=""> </a> <div class="post-tag">Advantages</div> </figure> <div class="content-box"> <div class="text"> Invisible Protection, Tested to FM Protocols, Working Full time 24-7's, Eliminates Manpower Needs, Eliminates Deployment Costs, No Expensive Storage Space, PE Certification, Site-Specific </div> <a href="glass-details.html" class="theme-btn btn-style-four btn-sm">Read More</a> </div> </article> </div> <comment>Featured Column</comment> <div class="column default-featured-column style-three col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <h4 class="inner-title double-line line-left">Flood Barrier</h4> <article class="inner-box mb-xs-60"> <figure class="image-box"> <a href="#"> <img src="images/resource/team-image-b1.jpg" alt=""> </a> <div class="post-tag"> <span class="black_color roboto-font">Flood</span> Barrier </div> </figure> <div class="content-box"> <div class="text">Yes, a glass curtain-wall which is also a floodwater protection barrier designed and engineered to protect buildings from flood water per FEMA TB3-93. </div> <a href="glass-details.html" class="theme-btn btn-style-four btn-sm">Read More</a> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div> </section> <comment>Recent Causes Section</comment> <section class="recent-projects"> <div class="auto-container"> <div class="sec-title clearfix"> <div class="pull-left"> <h2>Recent <span class="normal-font theme_color">Projects</span></h2> <div class="text">View some of our signature projects ...</div> </div> <div class="pull-right padd-top-30"> </div> </div> <div class="row clearfix"> <comment>Default Featured Column</comment> <div class="column default-featured-column style-two col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-12"> <article class="inner-box wow fadeInLeft" data-wow-delay="900ms" data-wow-duration="1500ms"> <figure class="image-box"> <a href="miamiretail.html"> <img src="images/causes/1.jpg" alt=""> </a> </figure> <div class="content-box"> <h3><a href="miamiretail.html">1000 17th Street</a></h3> <div class="column-info"> Miami Beach </div> <div class="text">Flood Glass and Flood Glass Doors have been selected to protect 1000 17th Street Retail building in Miami</div> <a href="miamiretail.html" class="theme-btn btn-style-two btn-sm">Read More</a> </div> </article> </div> <comment>Default Featured Column</comment> <div class="column default-featured-column style-two col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-12"> <article class="inner-box wow fadeInLeft" data-wow-delay="900ms" data-wow-duration="1500ms"> <figure class="image-box"> <a href="walgreens.html"> <img src="images/causes/2.jpg" alt=""> </a> </figure> <div class="content-box"> <h3><a href="walgreens.html">Walgreens Miami Beach</a></h3> <div class="column-info"> Miami Beach </div> <div class="text">Walgreens Corp. has specified the Flood Resistant Glazing System by Savannah Flood Protection.</div> <a href="walgreens.html" class="theme-btn 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class="title-box text-center mb-0"> <h1 class="fs-36 mb-15">Savannah Trims is proud to sponsor</h1> <h2>Continuing Education</h2> <div class="text">Savannah Trims is proud to sponsor a new online Continuing Education couse titled Architectural Applications of Water Protection Systems</div> <div class=""> <a class="theme-btn btn-style-two" href="" target="_blank">Learn More</a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <comment>Gallery Section</comment> <section class="gallery-section gutterless pb-0"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="sec-title text-center"> <h2>Our <span class="normal-font theme_color">Gallery</span></h2> <div class="text">View some of the products and projects</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container-fluid"> <comment>Filter List</comment> <div class="row filter-list clearfix"> <comment>Column</comment> <div class="column mix mix_all eco plants col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <comment>Default Portfolio Item</comment> <div 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<comment>Column</comment> <div class="column col-md-3 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"> <div class="text-right padd-top-20"> <a href="downloads.html" class="theme-btn btn-style-one">Download</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <comment>Team Section</comment> <section class="team-section"> <div class="auto-container"> <div class="sec-title clearfix"> <div class="pull-left"> <h2>Meet <span class="normal-font theme_color">Our Staff</span></h2> <div class="text">Meet our excellent staff of professionals who are here to serve you</div> </div> <div class="pull-right padd-top-30"> </div> </div> <div class="row clearfix"> <comment>Column</comment> <article class="column team-member col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="0ms" data-wow-duration="1500ms"> <div class="inner-box"> <figure class="image"> <a href="mailto:[email protected]"> <img src="images/gene-kennedy.jpg" alt=""> </a> </figure> <div class="member-info"> <h3>Gene Kennedy</h3> <div class="designation">President</div> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="text"> </div> </div> </div> </article> <comment>Column</comment> <article class="column team-member col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="300ms" data-wow-duration="1500ms"> <div class="inner-box"> <figure class="image"> <a href="mailto:[email protected]"> <img src="images/menda.jpg" alt=""> </a> </figure> <div class="member-info"> <h3>Menda Candelaria</h3> <div class="designation">Office Manager</div> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="text"> </div> </div> </div> </article> <comment>Column</comment> <article class="column team-member col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="600ms" data-wow-duration="1500ms"> <div class="inner-box"> <figure class="image"> <a href="mailto:[email protected]"> <img src="images/worker1.jpg" alt=""> </a> </figure> <div class="member-info"> <h3>Jeff Lewis</h3> <div class="designation">Door Specialist</div> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="text"> </div> </div> </div> </article> <comment>Column</comment> <article class="column team-member col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="900ms" data-wow-duration="1500ms"> <div class="inner-box"> <figure class="image"> <a href="mailto:[email protected]"> <img src="images/worker2.jpg" alt=""> </a> </figure> <div class="member-info"> <h3>Richard Romero</h3> <div class="designation">Design/Project Engineer</div> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="text"> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="column team-member col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="600ms" data-wow-duration="1500ms"> <div class="inner-box"> <figure class="image"> <a href="mailto:[email protected]"> <img src="images/unknown.jpg" alt=""> </a> </figure> <div class="member-info"> <h3>Serge Jean-Louis</h3> <div class="designation">Project Engineer</div> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="text"> </div> </div> </div> </article> <comment>Column</comment> </div> </div> </section> <comment>Main Features</comment> <section class="main-features parallax-section theme-overlay overlay-deep-white" style="background-image:url(images/parallax/image-1.jpg);"> <div class="auto-container"> <div class="title-box text-center mb-0"> <h1 class="text-uppercase fs-36 mb-15">Savannah Sales</h1> <h2>Purveyors of Architectural Specialties</h2> <div class="text"> Since 1985, we have been located in beautiful West Palm Beach, Florida, in the heart of Hurricane Alley. Savannah Trims is a marketing arm of 6 distinguished companies, all with a related theme: Architectural Building Specialties, as related to fine quality building components.We at 'Savannah' are specialists in the application of exterior building components such as Exterior Blinds, Glass Skylights and Standard Skylights, Glass Flood barriers and Aluminum Flood Barriers. </div> <div class=""> <a class="theme-btn btn-style-four" href="" target="_blank">Company Bio</a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <comment>Blog News Section</comment> <section class="blog-news-section latest-news"> <div class="auto-container"> <div class="sec-title text-center"> <h2>Latest <span class="normal-font theme_color">News</span></h2> <div class="text">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cum at inani interessetnisl omnium dolor amet amet qco modo cum text </div> </div> <div class="row clearfix"> <comment>News Column</comment> <div class="column blog-news-column col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <article class="inner-box wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="0ms" data-wow-duration="1500ms"> <figure class="image-box"> <a href="#"> <img src="images/blog/1.jpg" alt=""> </a> <div class="news-date">28 <span class="month">OCT</span> </div> </figure> <div class="content-box"> <h3><a href="#">Glass Barrier Limits</a></h3> <div class="post-info clearfix"> <div class="post-author">Consider them carefully ...</div> <div class="post-options clearfix"> </div> </div> <div class="text">Consider them carefully. Glass is very strong when you consider optional glass thickness and laminates.</div> <a href="#" class="theme-btn read-more">Read More</a> </div> </article> </div> | Search engines recommend title length of around 50-60 characters. The length of this title is 65503. |
Meta description | A description has not been provided for this site. | To make sure all the meta description is visible in search results page, Google recommends length of up to 320 characters at the most. This description has exactly 50 characters. |
Keywords | glass flood barriers, glass flood panels, flood barrier of glass, flood shields, flood gates, flood barriers, flood protection, flood doors, flood gates protection, hydrostatic flood loads, hydrodynamic flood loads, flood barriers | We did not expect meta keywords to be used. It's a worrying sign more than anything, really, as websites with meta keywords often tend to be spammy. |
Load time | 0.839 seconds on average | Website load speed is pretty fast. |
Total links on homepage | We found 96 links | This is a normal amount of links. |
Number of backlinks | Around 6 | Backlinks is one of the key metrics for search engines. This website seems to have a very low number of backlinks, which means poorer rank in search results. |
Page HTML size | 93KB | Load speed (and overall responsiveness) is such an important factor for both search engines and user experience, would you not agree? With that in mind, this is a very good result. |
Website server | Server appears to be online. The IP address for the server is | It's unfortunate, but despite our best attempts, we failed to gather enough data to provide a meaningful insight at this time. |
What, all that information was not enough? You want... more? Right, then. You asked for it.
As we've mentioned before, traffic is not a key metric. However, the target audience does say a lot about what's been done to optimize the website, as well as what should be done going forwards. Let's see if we have any useful information here.
Parameter name | Status | Comment |
Related websites | |
These are the websites that fall into the same category as, and so target the same audience and, likely, keywords. To a larger or smaller extent, all of them are competitors. |
Similarly to how a hard drive or a modern SSD device holds your files, a server holds all the files the website needs to operate. To load a webpage, your browser needs to contact the said server and request files - strings of code that make up the website into what it is, including images, text and database entries. Each physical server has a unique IP address that is used by the browser to contact it.
Let's see what technical information we've managed to gather:
Header in detail |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: openresty/ Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2017 22:52:14 GMT Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 94104 Connection: keep-alive Vary: Accept-Encoding Last-Modified: Sun, 23 Jul 2017 21:55:47 GMT ETag: "4adc8f7-16f98-55503292f4777" Accept-Ranges: bytes |
A good domain address is usually one that is easy to spell, resulting in the smallest amount of mistypes possible. Still, such a thing inevitably happens. Here is a list with the most frequent 1880 mistypes, associated with
If you are curious about what TLD extensions could also match the domain name of well, we have prepared an extensive list for you to look through:
We are glad you have finished this report. Hopefully, you found what you were looking for. In case you need more information to compare, here is a list of some other detailed overviews we have prepared: